“In diversity there is beauty and there is strength.”
― Maya Angelou, American poet and civil rights activist
Different Roots, Common Dreams
The Project Behind the Book
A photo project on cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity in New Hampshire
This multi-year photo project documents the lives of people born in other countries and who are now settled in New Hampshire. These are our neighbors in New Hampshire communities.The first goal of the project is to show, through photographs, both the differences that refugees and immigrants bring from various countries, cultures, and belief traditions, and the unifying dreams that all people strive for—to support families, raise children, practice spiritual beliefs, and celebrate traditions both old and new.
The second goal is to honor the vitality, strength, and diversity that New Americans add to our communities at a time when there is much debate on refugee issues. The photos illustrate and celebrate the contributions of New Americans in our state through public exhibits, talks, and discussions on refugee issues.
More Information
Click here for more information about the project (PDF)
Partners and Links
Many thanks to the new Americans who agreed to be photographed and to the many organizations, non profits, agencies, and individuals who have helped (and continue to help) with photo opportunities.
Exhibits, Talks and Awards
Exhibits & Talks
(Selected) Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH o Auburn Village School, Auburn, NH o Etz Hayim Synagogue, Derry, NH o Dartmouth College class o St. Paul Episcopal Church, Concord, NH o NH Society of Photographic Artists, Exeter, NH o Barrington Middle School, Barrington, NH o Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Foxboro, MA o Rotary Club, Dover, NH o Southern NH University o Tillotson Center, Colebrook, NH o Pechakucha, Portsmouth, NH o Cheshire Medical Center, Keene, NH o Keene State College, Keene, NH o University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH o Red River Theatre, Concord, NH o Wilmot Library, Wilmot, NH o Russo Gallery, Dartmouth College o Manchester Community College o Toadstool Bookshop, Keene, NH
“FACES Photo Contest,” Photo District News (PDN), 2013 o IBPA Award, silver, for Different Roots, Common Dreams: New Hampshire’s Cultural Diversity o Ben Franklin Award, silver, for Different Roots, Common Dreams: New Hampshire’s Cultural Diversity