Different Roots, Common Dreams
DIFFERENT ROOTS, COMMON DREAMS is a collection of photographs of New Hampshire’s immigrants by photographer Becky Field. It has won TWO SILVER awards in competitions were hosted by national organizations of independent book publishing companies. This is the first time that the lives of New Hampshire immigrants and refugees have been so extensively documented with photographs, adding to historic accounts of immigration to New Hampshire.
Since 2012, Becky has documented the lives of New Hampshire’s foreign-born residents. The photographs raise awareness about the strength and vitality of ethnic, cultural and religious diversity in New Hampshire, while also honoring and celebrating the families. It illustrates the contributions of New Hampshire’s immigrants and refugees, and educates the general public about the paths to resettlement. The book showcases Becky’s photographs, but also includes six “Journey Stories” about the refugee experience written by New Hampshire residents from the six countries. The stories tell of the challenges and opportunities of resettlement in the Granite State.