Photo Exhibits in Concord

FIVE exhibits of my color photographs of NH’s cultural diversity can be seen in Concord, NH, thanks to sponsorship from Concord Public Library and Concord Parks and Rec. There are three at the Library (Teen Zone, Lower Lounge and Auditorium) and two in the City...

At UNH: Impacts of Detention on an Asylum Seeker

This large and powerful exhibit, showing the emotional and physical toll of detaining an asylum seeker, is now in the Dimond Library, UNH-Durham. You can see it through January 2024. Join me at the Opening Reception, Wed. Sep 20, 4-6pm at the Library. See more photos...

Don’t miss this remarkable story!

In case you missed Thursday’s “NH Chronicle” on WMUR about the remarkable artist, Jozimar Matimano, a former refugee from the Congo, here’s the link to the program (or click on the photo). An inspiring and moving story!Photo: Becky Field...

Double exhibit in Concord!

Finding Home:   Photos, Artwork, Stories & Voices of Immigrants Becky Field has a new exhibit at Kimball Jenkins showing her photography, along with the stories and recordings of New Hampshire immigrants. Becky’s work is based on her recent book, Finding Home:...